Contact form
Mstětice 34, 250 91 Zeleneč
Registered office of the company and billing address
You will find us in the small town of Mstětice. At the Mstětice Science and Technology Park.
- By car: 15 minutes from Černý most Leave the D11 motorway at EXIT 8. You’ll be with us in under 5 minutes.
- By train: If you don’t want to go by car, there is a train station 2 minutes’ walk from us.
Invoicing details
expo level design s.r.o.
Mstětice 34, 250 91 Zeleneč
Company Number: 03721337
Taxpayer Identification Number: CZ03721337
File number: 236860 C, Metropolitan Court in Prague
Bank details:
CZK: 2800728058/2010 / IBAN: CZ1520100000002800728058
EUR: 2700728069/2010 / IBAN: CZ6220100000002700728069